Pretty safe, no worries. I recommend that you to monitor of crypto exchange rates bestchange. You see, there is a list of the most reliable exchange resources. Separately, I would like to note that the characteristic features of using exchangers are :no need to register on the site and open a separate account. Plus you can make transactions with small amounts
I try to be careful and always weigh my every decision. As for business and savings, the issue here is not easy and is always associated with risk. Especially when it comes to investing. I chose to invest my savings in cryptocurrencies, although I know that this niche is always associated with risks. But I believe that I have chosen a proven and reliable p2b crypto exchange and this already guarantees me most of the security. I will tell you that even if you do not know how to manage your money, then if you wish, you can learn everything. The main thing is not to stand still and do something.