I'd like to call your attention to GDBT (Geodatabase Performance Toolset)--a free extension from ESRI (for both ArcMap and ArcCatalog) that allows you to test the response time of layers, generate load against a server, tune spatial indexes, visualize the versioning state tree, manage users, etc.
It's a great tool that, imho, should be part of ArcGIS Desktop core:
If you already like and use GDBT, or try it and like it, please write your local ESRI account manager and request that GDBT become part of ArcGIS Desktop core. Also, be sure to mention GDBT in any pre or post conference surveys you receive.
Evidently not enough people who use GDBT are making their wishes known to their ESRI account managers. ESRI sometimes rolls good sample/example code into their core products. It may help if you ping your account manager and have them pass on to Redlands the wish to have GDBT as a standard, included, and supported extension. Simply downloading and using it apparently isn't enough. You have to ask for it. As a side note, the Map Book extension is a terrific time-saver. I'm sure many use it, but it's not part of core.
If you wish, please pass this on to GIS friends, colleagues, and listservs in other states. Let's get the word out about a great tool. If we as customers ask for it directly, hopefully ESRI will respond by putting more resources into GDBT.
If you already use GDBT, you can also help the developers out by responding to their support forum thread soliciting opinions on what functions you use most within GDBT, where it could improve, etc: