I'm curious as to what other members of LAR-IAC will be doing with their data once it is delivered. The City of Palmdale is receiving a large data set, somewhere in the range of 1.5-1.7 terabytes. The orthoimagery alone is near 500 gigabytes. We are going to have some tiled MrSID compression done as well as a mosaic made. Our idea is to employ a couple tiled data sets at different compression ratios to allow quick network delivery of the imagery but also capitalize on the fantastic resolution. I can provide our exact plan if it is necessary. If anyone has any ideas or experience in dealing with imagery data (compression, network delivery, storage, etc.), please share those thoughts in this topic. I appreciate any input.
Thanks SoCal GIS! Take care. ~Marc Zuber~
Marc Zuber |
Assistant GIS Specialist |
City of Palmdale |
Public Works - Traffic - GIS |
38250 Sierra Hwy
Palmdale, CA 93550 |
661 267 5354 |
We plan to compress it with MrSID at different compression ratios. We've found there's surprisingly little difference in quality unless you crank the compression way up. Our data is on the way, so ask me again after it's loaded up and gone through a couple of tests.
You may also want to consider( if space allows) to generate raster catalogs in ArcSDE. I've loaded ~3 TB into SDE raster catalogs and am very pleased by the response. Storage of replacement tiles are easily managed as well because you can continue to load "new" imagery which overlays the old stuff without having to remove previous data resources. Storing images in this manner allows for long-term storage efficiency plus temporal recordkeeping.
We plan to load the images into our Oracle/ArcSDE GDB as a mosaiced and pyramided raster. We will be following ESRI's recommendations in the Managing Raster Data in a Geodatabase―Best Practices presnetation from the 2006 ESRI Users Conference.
For those that have a RDBMS (Oracle, SQL Server, etc.) and the conference proceedings, I highly recommend looking at this presentation. I tried to post it here but because we are using the free version of ActiveBoards we can only upload images and not files, sorry.
We are in the middle of transitioning to new backend everything (redundant database servers, Oracle 10g, ArcSDE 9.1, blah, blah, blah). Fortunately/unfortunately the data will be delivered just before the transition and my customers are getting anxious, so we will be loading the data into our old environment and the new environment.
For Oracle DBA types, we have created seperate tablespaces for the following per ESRI's best practices referenced in the presentation noted above:
Feature Classes
Feature Class Indexes
Raster Blocks
Raster Indexes
Brian GIS Coordinator, City of Pasadena | SoCal GIS Founder/Administrator | You don't always have to be having fun to have fun.